Part of the Forward Education Trust

Literacy and Communication

Literacy and communication are central to our children’s learning and at the heart of everything we do at The Bridge School. Communication is the passing of meaningful information between two or more people using all available means.

At The Bridge School we are committed to providing a total communication environment promoting breadth of opportunities for communication throughout every day. We believe in recognising and responding to all forms of communication from pupils. We use gestures objects, photos, symbols, Makaton signs and the spoken word to provide children with opportunities to understand what is being said to them and express their feelings, needs, wants, choices and answers. Our teachers plan and personalise learning to give children opportunities to communicate in a way that is appropriate for them. It is the main way for children to develop their thoughts, feelings and ideas as well as their language expertise. Speaking and listening are fundamental to this development and our teachers plan for opportunities for children to take part in speaking and listening activities at an appropriate level as well as through drama and role-play.

For more guidance on how to support your child at home, please download the following file…



Pupils return Monday 24th February