Our pupils are our curriculum.
We intend to:
- Provide a curriculum that engages all our pupils and is centred around a play and multisensory based approach where our pupils have fun!
- Provide an ambitious curriculum that is bespoke and tailored to the individual needs of our pupils
- Support our pupils in gaining independence skills that will benefit their everyday life
- Have a strong focus on communication
- Promote strong links with other professionals, who will support pupils to achieve their potential in all areas of their EHCP
- Develop pupils’ resilience and a lifelong love for learning
- Promote strong links and partnerships with families and carers
We intend to:
- Use a range of strategies to deliver a personalised curriculum
- Ensure the curriculum offer is broad, balanced and relevant to every pupil
- Encourage children to want to take part in multisensory playbased learning opportunities, become independent learners, make own choices and take appropriate risks when problem solving in their play
- Maximise opportunities to access the community as part of the wider curriculum
- Teach for mastery, ensuring pupils ‘master’ new skills before moving their learning on
- Ensure we are ambitious for what each pupil can achieve
- Provide pupils with the therapeutic provision needed, supported by a multidisciplinary team
- Prioritise the wellbeing of each child with positive relationships, ensuring that experiences are fun and children feel safe.
- Allow children to build skills to become confident communicators
- Foster a love for learning, making relationships through playbased learning and gaining transferable skills
- Celebrate success along the way
Our impact will result in:
- Children who are happy, feel safe and love coming to school
- Children who enjoy exploring, and are resilient learners
- Positive relationships with peers and adults
- Confident communicators
- Increased independence
- Achieving their potential
- Children having the skills to equip them for life