Bridge to the Future
‘Bridge to the Future’ is a set of 50 enrichment activities designed to help children, play, explore and experience new things.
At The Bridge, we want children to not only be happy and healthy but to lead a fulfilling life. It is important that they enjoy learning, be excited about activities and be curious about the world and people around them.
‘Bridge to the Future’ has been developed by stakeholders, taking inspiration from a variety of sources including the DfE Activity passport and The National Trust 50 things to do before your 11 ¾.
We aim to support children to have the chance to try things out, to see, do things that they would not normally do, or go to places they would not normally go, and to meet people they would not normally meet. These things are important because education is not only about academic progress: it is also about character and wellbeing. We develop our character from taking on challenges and pursuing our interests, by doing things that we feel are worth doing. The importance of character development is also recognised by Ofsted through their focus upon how school support personal development of pupils.
Giving pupils the opportunity to try new things and develop new skills can help children to grow in confidence, expand their understanding of the world around them or introduce a hobby or passion that could last for years to come. Many activities have been designed to be completed in collaboration with others. By building in opportunities for pupils to undertake the activities as part of a group, we aim to help pupils build positive relationships and work as a team.
Activities have been chosen to be locally driven with the community characteristics at the forefront of our minds. They have been selected to link to the local context and encourage children to make the most of their surroundings and develop links with the local community. Some activities identify opportunities to benefit the local community, including through social action, linking with local charities or groups to undertake these activities. This can help pupils build self-confidence and communication skills additionally, building belief that they can make positive changes for themselves and others.
Many of the activities on the list can be completed throughout the seasons and in local community spaces. We want children to explore their senses in the wild, care for plants and creatures and reflect on their feelings in different environments. Creating the opportunities for pupils to play and explore in nature together and build connections with wildlife. These experiences of connecting with nature enhance children’s physical, social and mental development. Furthermore, when we build a connection with nature, we are more likely to feel a sense of ownership and care for it in return. This means children who explore and enjoy nature are more likely to look after it and take action to protect it, as they grow older.
These activities support pupils to develop as active citizens who contribute positively to society, developing their understanding of fundamental British values and appreciation of diversity. We hope that by engaging children in adventure during this early age of fascination and wonder, they will continue to discover and explore in their adult years.
‘Bridge to the Future’ activities are accessible for all pupils with all needs across all ages and stages of development. Pupils may experience the same activities at different stages of school life, offering a different experience each time. Activities could be individual, small group, whole school or community based giving opportunities for pupils to work independently and collaboratively with different people.
Many of the activities have been designed to be incorporated into the curriculum. Making activities relevant to the curriculum helps pupils feel more engaged in the activity and helps them see links between the different topics about which they are studying.
Activities will be planned within the school year through curriculum planning, extended learning opportunities and enrichment time. Activities can also be completed at home through home learning challenges and therefore linking learning and experiences between home and school increasing pupil’s sense of the wider community. If you do any of these activities at home please do send them to us so we can add them to your childs portfolio.
The curriculum provides for pupils’ broader development, enabling them to develop and discover their interests and talents. Through participation in activities, pupils will continue to develop their character – including their resilience, confidence and independence.
Through diverse experiences, pupils will display positive behaviour and attitudes. Pupils will build resilience, show commitment and take pride in their achievements. Relationships among pupils and staff will strengthen and benefit from shared experiences and will reflect a positive and respectful culture.
The clear links to local communities supports pupils to prepare for life in modern Britain by equipping them to be responsible, respectful, active citizens who contribute positively to society; developing their understanding of fundamental British values; developing their understanding and appreciation of diversity; celebrating what we have in common and promoting respect for the different protected characteristics as defined in law.
The fundamental impact of ‘Bridge to the Future’ is that pupil enjoy their learning and participate in activities which will support their development of their physical and mental health and wellbeing.