Curriculum Offer
The curriculum offer and wrap around support for our pupils is bespoke to their needs and abilities. Forward Education Trust will ensure that pupils experience a curriculum which is concrete (experiential), pictoral or abstract depending on need and through these modes using a wide range of resources to engage the learners.
Aids to Communication
A range of low-tech electronic aids, and computer equipment is available, to facilitate communication and help pupils access the curriculum.
British Values
At The Bridge School the staff and children promote and practice British Values across the curriculum and in all we do every day as part of our immersion in the principles set out in the Birmingham Curriculum Statement and our British Values overview.
Curriculum Documents
Although homework is not compulsorily set for younger pupils, they are given half-termly homework challenges to complete with parents/carers.
Curriculum Overview
Curriculum Specifics
Information on Sex and Relationships education and Religious Education.
Intent Implementation Impact
Learning Beyond the Classroom
The children also have opportunities to experience a wide variety of activities which enhance their learning.
Literacy and Communication
Literacy and communication are central to our children’s learning and at the heart of everything we do at The Bridge School. Communication is the passing of meaningful information between two or more people using all available means.
Progression of Skills/Road Maps
Provision for Sport
The school gives a high priority to physical development and sporting activities.
Swimming Sessions
The school has its own swimming/hydrotherapy pool and hydrotherapy sessions take place, led by the physiotherapy team based at The Bridge School.
Thematic Approach
Topic cycles studied at Bridge.
The Curriculum
Our curriculum allows pupils to engage and learn through stimulating and exciting learning experiences, centred around a play and sensory-based approach. Our aim is for pupils to know more, remember more and do more, whilst developing their confidence, resilience and ultimately their independence so the can reach their full potential in life.