Part of the Forward Education Trust

Our Ethos

View our Mission Statement, Ethos and School Rules.

View The Forward Education Trust’s Ethos, Vision and Values

Our role is to enable each individual child to achieve his or her full potential through equality of opportunity provided in a multicultural and inclusive educational setting. We believe that learning should be enjoyable, lifelong experience and see parents/carers as our partners in the educative process.

Mission Statement

Our Ethos

Belonging –

a place where you and your child will always feel welcome.

Respect –

a place where we acknowledge others’ beliefs and opinions and celebrate  the  and religious diversity each individual brings to the school.

Independence –

a place that will support and encourage your child to reach their full potential and prepare for their next steps in life.

Diversity –

a place where each child and their family play an integral part of life and the Bridge and the wider community.

Growth –

a place that responds to the changing needs of each individual child and celebrates success along the way.

Equality –

a place where everyone matters and where learning can be fun.

At the Bridge we strive to:

“Be the best we can be!!!”

School Rules

School rules are largely a matter of common sense and good manners, consistent with the safety and well-being of everyone in the school community.

A high standard of behaviour is expected at all times, showing courtesy, respect for one another and for possessions. Here are the simple rules we encourage all children to follow:



Pupils return Monday 24th February