Part of the Forward Education Trust


There is an official school uniform which we do expect pupils to wear. By this we mean a light blue shirt, polo shirt or blouse, navy blue sweatshirt, pullover or cardigan or other upper garment, with dark grey or black trousers or skirt. This can be purchased from school. All clothing should be comfortable, practical and appropriate.

Parents are asked to supply their child with a clearly named PE kit and swimming costume and towel for weekly swimming and/or hydrotherapy sessions. Swimming is compulsory for pupils in Key Stage 2. Parents/carers must provide their child with a suitable swim nappy for each session where necessary.

If you feel that your child may require a change of clothes during the course of the day, it may be advisable for us to keep a spare set in school and we would appreciate it if you could send the necessary items to us via your bus guide. A limited amount of clothing is kept in school for emergency purposes. Soiled items of clothing are securely bagged in school and returned to you at the end of the day. To avoid losses, we would ask you please to ensure that all clothing is clearly named.

Order uniform online



Pupils return to school on Wednesday 8th January